Musings from Maurice
Lil and I have experienced the camaraderie that develops from the choir travelling together (in a coach, train, boat or aeroplane); perhaps we could hire a coach to take us to some more distant venue and achieve the bonding that results. All manner of incidents occur under these travelling circumstances, not necessarily anything to do with singing, but usually resulting in a bit of a giggle for all present.
A totally offbeat incident occurred to us when on tour in the UK. We were staying in a hotel in Plymouth and, on arrival in mid-afternoon we, being issued with a room key went to the appropriate room but could not gain entry. I solicited the aid of a staff member who used her master key only to reveal a couple enjoying themselves in bed. With apologies all around, we were reissued with another key on a higher level in the hotel. This time the key worked and there was no problem – until bedtime. We had just settled to bed when a very strange ‘riveting’ sound was heard coming from the bathroom. I got out of bed to investigate. On opening the bathroom door a got the shock of my life. A column of foam was issuing vertically from the toilet, so powerful that it was striking the ceiling. The riveting sound was as a result of the seat trying to close but being repeatedly forced back by the fountain of foam. The foam was accumulating on the floor at an alarming rate and was already issuing through the doorway to the carpeted area of the bedroom.
I advised Lil to get out of bed quickly and assist with lifting our luggage to a higher level while I telephoned reception for help. Needless to say, I could not convince her of the problem but, after a short delay, a maintenance man appeared at our door saying “I understand you can’t flush your toilet”. I didn’t attempt to explain merely stating “Come in and see for yourself”. He couldn’t believe his eyes “What the #*%&*@# is that? I’ve never seen anything like it in my life.” But then assisting us to evacuate before the dreaded flood of foam overtook us like some monster out of a horror movie.
A third room was found for us to indulge in the now much needed sleep. Being in a rush the following morning to move on to our next gig, we never did find out the cause of this weird event. We are just left with an abiding memory to tell to those who might listen.
Lil and I have experienced the camaraderie that develops from the choir travelling together (in a coach, train, boat or aeroplane); perhaps we could hire a coach to take us to some more distant venue and achieve the bonding that results. All manner of incidents occur under these travelling circumstances, not necessarily anything to do with singing, but usually resulting in a bit of a giggle for all present.
A totally offbeat incident occurred to us when on tour in the UK. We were staying in a hotel in Plymouth and, on arrival in mid-afternoon we, being issued with a room key went to the appropriate room but could not gain entry. I solicited the aid of a staff member who used her master key only to reveal a couple enjoying themselves in bed. With apologies all around, we were reissued with another key on a higher level in the hotel. This time the key worked and there was no problem – until bedtime. We had just settled to bed when a very strange ‘riveting’ sound was heard coming from the bathroom. I got out of bed to investigate. On opening the bathroom door a got the shock of my life. A column of foam was issuing vertically from the toilet, so powerful that it was striking the ceiling. The riveting sound was as a result of the seat trying to close but being repeatedly forced back by the fountain of foam. The foam was accumulating on the floor at an alarming rate and was already issuing through the doorway to the carpeted area of the bedroom.
I advised Lil to get out of bed quickly and assist with lifting our luggage to a higher level while I telephoned reception for help. Needless to say, I could not convince her of the problem but, after a short delay, a maintenance man appeared at our door saying “I understand you can’t flush your toilet”. I didn’t attempt to explain merely stating “Come in and see for yourself”. He couldn’t believe his eyes “What the #*%&*@# is that? I’ve never seen anything like it in my life.” But then assisting us to evacuate before the dreaded flood of foam overtook us like some monster out of a horror movie.
A third room was found for us to indulge in the now much needed sleep. Being in a rush the following morning to move on to our next gig, we never did find out the cause of this weird event. We are just left with an abiding memory to tell to those who might listen.